Marketing Monday's are now a thing. Why? Because I've learned if I don't set a schedule for myself, I'll miss certain key aspects of this whole author thing - which
absolutely includes updating you amazing folks on what I've been up to. Which, to be honest, is mostly kids. Let's not fool ourselves here, mom'ing is a full time job...on top of my actual day job, but I digress LOL.
So, what do Valkyries, space hyenas, and Salvage Bunnies have in common? They're all awesome projects I'm currently working on! First up, let's talk Hit World Valkyries.
This is a whole new spin off of the popular Hit World Universe. What's Hit World? It's a no-holds barred Urban Fantasy world set against the backdrop of legal assassinations, and it is a freaking BLAST to write in. I've got a short story, Angel Wings and Demon Bones, in the kick-off anthology, The Valkyries Initiative, coming out on 16 Sep. I am so freaking excited for ya'll to meet my Valkyrie, Athena. The full-length novel is already with Marisa Wolf (the Valkyries boss, editor, and all-around awesome person) and it's probably the best thing I've written to date, not gonna lie. Urban Fantasy is totally my jam, and I maaaaaay have added a bit of an enemies to lovers subplot. Okay, fine, it's a major part of the story. I love a good romantic subplot, especially enemies to lovers. Anyone who knows me understands I'll find a way to sneak in some romance in anything I'm writing.
Speaking of romance, I would like the record to show that I did not intend to put much in the Salvage Title Universe trilogy I'm writing with the fantastic Nick Steverson (space dragons and Samurai sidekicks anyone?). Things just kind of got...out of hand. Ehm. Anyways, book one is already written (SURPRISE!) and book two has just passed 30K words, so we're well on our way to having this trilogy completed by the end of the year. All three books will rapid release early next year.
Expect maximum fun and zero maturity, folks, because when you put Nick and I together we have the collective maturity of a ten-year-old. If you round up. Sorrynotsorry!
Last, but not least, I've got an update on Salvage Bunny 2 (not the actual title lol). I've just passed 94K words on the sequel to Sunrise Over Shippo, and the final battle is gearing up to be one of the more traumatic things I've put Kailey through. Oops?
Gotta toughen her up before book three, and there's really only one way to learn what 'Never Quit, Never Die' means.. Don't worry, she has plenty of fun along the way too, and maaaaaaybe a little romance. I am who I am, folks, and the Salvage Bunny deserves someone who understands her unique upbringing (she was raised by space foxes...have I mentioned the Salvage Title Universe is freaking fantastic fun?!).
And now for something completely different! Have you heard of the CKP Live YouTube channel yet? We've got new content every week, interviews with awesome authors, book launches, and interviews with all the Valkyries! We're also planning a live book launch party for The Valkyries Initiative on 16 Sep, so tune in for alllllll the shenanigans!
That's all for this week. Gotta get those words in if I'm going to meet my (self-imposed) deadlines. See ya'll next week, and thanks for reading!