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I suck at blog posts...sorry!

Ya'll will have to bear with me as I figure out a schedule for writing and all of the things that go with writing that I didn't know about until I became a writer. Things like marketing, Facebook posts, Facebook ads, conventions, interviews, podcasts, collaborating with awesome writer friends, EDITING the crap I wrote so it is no longer crap by the time it reaches you! All good things, but time consuming all the same.

Whew. That's a lot of words to say that life gets away from me sometimes, and the only way I'm going to manage everything is by making a schedule for myself and forcing myself to stick to said schedule. I'm still learning, but this is so much freaking fun it doesn't really feel like work...most days. See EDITING above lol.

New things since I last blogged - my first novel released!! Sunrise Over Shippo has done really well, and I'm so happy so many people enjoyed Kailey's story (AKA The Salvage Bunny).

I'm already hard at work on Salvage Bunny 2 and 3, and had a lot of fun working out some plot points with the amazingly talented Nick Steverson, one of the core authors in the Salvage Title Universe. If space dragons and Samurai sidekicks sound like it might be your thing, you should definitely check his books out. You won't be disappointed! Consequences, the epic conclusion to his first trilogy just came out, and it's AMAZING. Not to brag or anything, but I got to read it before (almost) anyone else!!

In fact, I liked working with Nick Steverson so much, that when he asked me if I wanted to co-write a Salvage Title Universe trilogy with him, I said YES almost before he was done asking LOL. A new kind of hero is coming to Salvage, and we're not sure the universe is ready for the craziness that's gonna happen. You've been warned ; )

If post-apocalyptic world's are more your thing, I've got you covered! This Fallen World just had an anthology drop, and I was honored to get an invite to write in that amazing universe. Ever wonder what a first date would be like in a fallen world? My story Goat Shopping shows that it's probably nothing like what you'd imagine. Did I mention it includes raiders, a grumpy militia soldier, and a rhinocorn cavalry? And of course, goats. Hehehe...much shenanigans ensue.

Okay, that's it from me for now. I promise to update this more regularly from here on out. Big news coming soon from yet another awesome CKP universe, Hit World!!

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