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LibertyCon Week!!

I leave for LibertyCon, one of the best, awesomest, most amazingly fun cons in three days. Have I packed? Have I finished shopping? Have I even started a to-do list? Nope. So busy. All the busy - but in the best way possible.

The 4HU anthology is off to a great start, with double orange tag awesomeness right out the gate. We held number one in Science Fiction Anthology New Releases, and Colonization New Releases on Amazon. So many great stories, and the largest 4HU anthology to date!

I'm still so freaking excited with how my story, DUCK ME, turned out. It started with a bottle of Jeremiah Weed (courtesy of Dos Gringos 'Jeremiah Weed'. . . seriously, if you want to know how fighter pilots think, go listen to Dos Gringos, they're amazing, also NSFW), a rubber duck (for REASONS), and a dropship pilot out on her first contract. It turned into characters that I don't want to let go of and added a whole new storyline to my upcoming Depik Companion novel. My original idea was good. Adding the DUCK ME characters is going to make it epic.

Of course, I can't start on that novel until I finish my current project, Salvage Bunny 3! I'm over 80K and moving right along to a thrilling conclusion for Kailey's trilogy. I'm not willing to let these characters go either, so expect to see more of the Salvage Bunny crew down the road. I've got several future projects lined up in the Salvage Title Universe, which is a fancy way of saying I've lost track of how many trilogies I owe Kevin Steverson. I'm not sad about any of it LOL.

Speaking of Salvage Bunny, my first novel, Sunrise Over Shippo, is on sale for only $0.99 from Wednesday, June 21 - Monday, June 26!! There's a few other CKP books on sale during that time from names you might recognize - check out that line up!! You can find them all on Amazon. Embrace the power of 'and'. . . or maybe it's 'more'. Either way, you can't go wrong with awesome book sales!!

Anyways, if I'm going to get my butt to Chattanooga on time, I've got sooooo many things to get done. Until next week, folks!

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