You GUYS I am so dang excited and ALL CAPS ENTHUSIASTIC about the release of Shadows May Fall. I made Athena and Sebastian's story everything I love about Urban Fantasy Romance: slow burn, enemies to lovers, snarky banter, and epic stakes. There's even a Ninja Turtle-loving, pizza-obsessed, sassy sidekick. . . who just happens to be a rat. I said what I said. Did I plan for Mikey the magical talking rat to be a thing? Nope, she just bulldozed her way into the story and refused to leave. My kind of girl LOL
I really hope people enjoy this one, because I had so much fun writing it. And rewriting it. Why did I have to rewrite it? Funny story. While this is my ninth published novel, it's actually only the second or third I ever wrote (no Time Math, I can't remember which it actually was lol). Sometimes the publishing world is funny, and there's a longer delay on some projects. So when I went back and reread the story, I found a lot of things that I could adjust, punch up, or tweak. There were also a few sections that needed to be added to ensure my story lined up with the amazing Marisa Wolf's Valkyrie's Chosen (oh no, so sad that I had to write a few extra things). The second book already has over 10K in chaotic notes as well as a legit outline and is on the schedule for next year! Where on the schedule it falls depends on other projects, as well as how well book one sells. If you liked this one, please help a girl out and leave a rating or review on Amazon? They always make my day!!
You can find it here:
Speaking of new releases, if you're a military science fiction fan, you should definitely check out the fantastic Kevin Ikenberry's new series, The Buzzer War!!
You can preorder the trilogy here:
The first book, Steel on Target, comes out on September 24. Kevin read the first chapter at Marscon last January, and I legit got chills. It's THAT good ya'll.
In other news, secret projects are moving right along at a good pace. I'm really happy with how the story is shaping up, and I can't wait to talk to you guys about it. Up next on the project list is one I've had more than a few people asking for -- the fourth book in the Salvage Bunny "trilogy" LOL. I'll be working on the outline for Daughter of Shippo in the next few weeks and hope to have the book turned in by the end of the year. We'll see how chatty Kailey and the Knights are this time around, but I promise it'll just be one more book to finish that original story arc.
And if you haven't caught up on those books yet, you can find them in the Salvage Title Universe Coalition series. Start here:
Whelp, if secret projects are going to get done, I better get to writing. Until next time, folks!!