Nick Steverson called 2022 our sacrifice year, and it's a great way to put it. We each had a single novel come out (along with some awesome short stories in Fallen World and Valkyries). For Nick, it was the conclusion of his Salvage Title Universe space dragons and Samurai sidekick trilogy, Consequences. For me, it was my first Salvage Bunny novel, Sunrise Over Shippo. Then we put our heads down and worked our butts off to make 2023 the best year ever!! Two weeks ago, I turned in Salvage Bunny 2, officially titled Knightfall Under Keros (sooooo much Salvage Bunny awesomeness in that one squeeeeee!!). Last week, we officially typed THE END on space hyenas 3, and turned in books one and two to our amazing publisher, Chris Kennedy. We're nearly done with our editing pass and plan to send it over to Kevin Steverson, universe creator extraordinaire, tonight. Then it's straight over to Chris and BOOM. A whole trilogy in just over six months.
The funny thing is, I'm not really exhausted! Writing with Nick is not only effortless, it's a total blast. Our styles mesh so well, and we had the same idea at the same time SO MANY times that we've officially declared ourselves Author Twins LOL. Both of us have improved so much over the past six months, and I'm proud of how much we've put into these books. They're definitely not short - they're epic and ridiculous and outright bonkers at times. They've also got a lot of heart, and I think you guys are going to love our space hyenas as much as we do.
In the midst of all that Salvage Title awesomeness, I can't leave out Valkyries. I took all my fancy new skills that I gained working with Nick and applied them to my Valkyries novel. Marisa Wolf got to read a shiny new version of Shadows May Fall and she loved it (see Marisa, I used the correct word this time. . .I made the mistake of saying 'liked' and she schwacked me on the proverbial nose LOL). I'm so excited for Athena and Sebastian's first story that I maaaaaay have written out the last scene for book 2 yesterday. I was supposed to be editing space hyenas 3 and working on my We Dare short, but my brain took a detour and I'm not even a little sorry about it.
Aren't they so pretty? Urban Fantasy Romance and Midjourney FTW LOL. Anyways, got to finish that last bit of editing and send off space hyenas 3 to Kevin. Until next week, folks!