LOL. . .could not resist the bad pun. Confinement was, in fact, a GREAT time. If Superstars was drinking from the firehose of insane knowledge overload, then Confinement was a masterclass in how to talk to readers and sell books. I had the good fortune to sit next to Kevin Steverson (AKA my space dad), Jon 'Oz' Osborne, and Bill Webb, and holy crap did I learn ALL THE THINGS. I got to practice pitching my stories and even sold seven books, which is a personal best for me. There was also plenty of time to just hang out with my fellow CKP authors and talk about future story ideas and upcoming conventions!
(Oz was kind enough to take a picture with me).
My author twin, Nick Steverson, also had an amazing weekend down at PensaCon with Ian Malone, and I might look at doing PensaCon instead next year. I mean, Florida in February. . .twist my arm!!
Okay, fine, so it would be a LOT of work, a lot of hustling, and not much time for the beach. But still. Florida in February ya'll!! I'm so there. Speaking of conventions, I'll be heading out to Raleigh for FantaSci next month. It's going to be a blast, and I hope to see you out there.
On the writing side of the house, I've gotten a little over 4K into Salvage Bunny 3. Between Confinement and editing, I haven't had as much time to devote to it as I wanted this past week, but as those tasks fall off my 'must do' list, I'll have time to get back into the 1K/day rhythm. Nick and I also had to do some plotting for REASONS, which always feels more like goofing off than actual work LOL.
Sorry not sorry! But I suppose I should wrap this up and actually get to writing. Oooh and I need to get the Salvage Bunny short story, Shadows Before Sunrise, up on Amazon. . .and update my website for my planned con appearances. . .and finish up Valkyries edits, and, and, and. . . There's always plenty to do, and I'm not complaining AT ALL. Until next week!!