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Whelp, I guess I'm an author now

This is one of the coolest things I've ever gotten to my life. I mean, here I am, writing my first blog post, with less than a month before my first novel comes out. I'm so freaking excited I'm randomly squealing like a little girl. I regret nothing.

I started writing years ago, but life - and children - kind of took up all my brain cells and I stopped writing for about six years. Then an old friend contacted me out of the blue and asked if I wanted to be one of his beta readers. I said absolutely, and got to be one of the first people to read a truly awesome zombie apocalypse short story. I gave him my feedback and didn't think much of it, but that was the start, that very moment right there. I was in the middle of getting ready to move and switch jobs, dealing with two young kids, and so busy some days I swear I lived on coffee and chocolate, and I didn't think I had time to start writing again. But then he asked me to read something else. And then he mentioned this thing called NaNoWriMo and suggested I give it a try. So I did. Despite a full-time job, kids, homework, housework, and a feeble attempt to have some kind of life with my husband, I managed to write 20K. I was rusty as all get out, but it More than fun, it was a blast! So when my friend mentioned an open call for submissions for an Urban Fantasy Anthology, I decided to give it a shot. To my ever-loving shock, Shatter Me was accepted and published. My very first short story.

Two years and five short stories later, and here I am, about to have my first novel published. I'm just so stinking excited to be here, and I would never have done any of it without that one friend. His name is Casey Moores by the way, and you should totally check his stuff out - spoiler alert, it's all fantastic.

Here he is, sitting right next to David Weber at the Songs of Valor panel at FantaSci 2021. If you squint just right, you can see me further down the line sitting between our awesome publisher, Chris Kennedy, and our fantabulous editor, Rob Howell.

So, anyways, I guess I'd just like to say thank you to anyone reading this, and anyone that's enjoyed my stories. You better buckle up. I'm just getting started.

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